Mentorship is recognized as an essential element in helping women prepare for and access senior positions. As part of CREW M’s mission, the mentoring program has the following objectives:
– Improve parity and diversity in a male-dominated industry
– Build a talent network for future commercial real estate professionals
– Provide constructive feedback to support growth and success
– Enhance leadership and career development skills of CREW network members
– Increased chances of success in achieving professional goals;
– Development of professional skills and abilities;
– Increased confidence in the workplace
– Good opportunity to network and to develop networking skills;
– Career opportunities;
– Increased professional autonomy.
– Personal satisfaction in sharing expertise and professional experiences;
– Opportunity to develop skills and leadership;
– Contribution to the training of future managers;
– Opportunity to exchange new ideas and perspectives;
– Feeling of contributing to one’s profession and professional environment;
– Expand your professional network;
– Increased professional autonomy.
Mentoring is a relationship between a mentor and a mentee, in which the mentor shares his or her wisdom, expertise and professional experiences to help the mentee develop additional professional skills and to achieve given goals. Mentoring is voluntary and unpaid, and requires honesty, trust and ethics on both sides. The CREW M mentoring program is a one-year program that is reserved exclusively for CREW M members. A fee of $50 is required from selected mentees. Program participants receive training before beginning their mentorship relationship.
Free mandatory training is offered to both mentors and mentees. Our mentoring coach will help the cohort understand each other’s roles and define their goals.
The program begins with a matchmaking event. At this event, you will have the opportunity to talk to the mentors in the cohort on a 1-to-1 basis to help you identify the mentor of your choice. The committee will finalize the matchmaking process.
Each dyad is to identify its own objectives and expectations, and to determine the frequency and location of meetings. Meetings are suggested to be one hour per month, evenly spread throughout the year.
Announcement of program launch and registration period.
Mentee registration closes on December 18, 2024 at 11:55 p.m.
Matching of dyads on January, 2025.
Announcement of dyads.
Mandatory in-person training (lunch time).
Workshop for the mentors and mentees.
Closing event.
– Must be a CREW M member
– Have an up-to-date CV
– Completed application form
If you have any questions, please write to
Registration as a mentee is now complete.
– Over 15 years of experience
– Have an up-to-date CV
– Must be available on matchmaking and training dates
– Members and non-members are welcome
– Completed application form
Soline Zomahoun, co-director, mentorship sub-committee
Cell: 514 834-3437
Tatiana Hakim, co-director, mentorship sub-committe
Cell: 438 454-6048
Veronica Lalli, co-director, mentorship sub-committee
Cell: 514 882-0610